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Putnam Youth Baseball



When you first start a sport, or decide to play with a new league, it can be a bit overwhelming figuring out how everything works.  Here's a run down so you can familiarize yourself with Putnam Youth Baseball's Senior program.

Age Range

Senior players are in 7th and 8th grade.


There are assessments for Senior players.  They will be assessed on baseball skills to determine proper team placement.  Check the website for assessment details.  Assessments typically happen in February and this year is happening on February 16, 2020.

What You Need

Junior players need to have the following items...
Baseball Mitt
White baseball pants with black piping
Baseball cleats
Bat with a BBCOR, BPF 1.15, or USA Baseball certification, or a wood bat, which is new for the 2020 season
Athletic Cup
Baseball socks

The league provides each player with a jersey and baseball hat.  The league also provides the balls, catchers gear, and needed practice equipment.  Some players prefer to also have an athletic belt to secure their pants as well as a bag for their gear.  Some coaches may elect to have all their players bring long sleeve, athletic undershirts to protect the players' skin when sliding.  If so, the coach will communicate what color to purchase so the players maintain a unified appearance. 

Practices and Games

Unfortunately, we can not tell you what days and times your child will practice.  That is determined after all the teams are formed and coaches are selected.  The coach then makes a practice schedule based on his or her availability.  At the Senior level, there will be no more than 4 mandatory days of baseball each week.  At the beginning of the season, this may look like 4 days of practice, then when games start it may transition to 2 days of mandatory practice and 2 games.  We want to clarify however that coaches have discretion over practice frequency. Based on varying circumstances, a coach may chose to cancel a mandatory practice or offer an optional practice in addition to the mandatory practices. Games are typically midweek.


Included in the registration fee is the cost of one tournament!  This is a wonderful benefit for the team and a great value to the parents.  Many leagues are not able to include a tournament in the cost of registration. The coach will select the tournament and inform the team of the date. The coach, with feedback from the parents, may elect do additional tournaments.  Tournaments cost typically run $400-500 and would need to be paid for by the team.  

Season Length

Practices typically begin in late March or early April.  The regular season goes through June or the beginning of July.  This year, if the team is one of the top teams in the county, the Senior Nationals would play in the county tournament July 10-12 and the Senior Americans July would play 17-19.  If they place in the top three at county, then then go to the state tournament and that date is to be determined. 


Registration fees only cover 40% of the operating costs every spring.  As a league, we place importance on children from all socioeconomic situations having the opportunity to play baseball, so we purposely keep fees low.  Fundraising makes up the difference.  Some fundraisers we've done in the past are... Christmas Tree Recycling, Pancake Breakfast, Spaghetti Feed, Raffle Tickets, etc. If you do not wish to fundraise, there is an opt out fee.  Children that have been given league scholarships for the registration fees are required to fundraise.  Fundraisers vary every year, but one that is consistent is each player selling 20 raffle tickets.  Info about other fundraisers will be distributed as they are determined.

Putnam Youth Baseball

P.O.Box 68737 
Oak Grove, Oregon 97268
Email : [email protected]
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